Beautiful Red Mishy Roses
KSh 3,900$30.23€29.32£24.38Red Mishy roses bouquet contains:
- Red Mishy Roses.
- Free Message Card.
This rose bouquet contains 50 stems.
Special Flower Combo
KSh 10,800$83.72€81.2£67.5Take time to make someone feel special and loved.This cheerful Gift Combo comes with a lovely flower clubbed with 24 Pieces of Ferro Rocher and a White Forest Cake.
Chocolate Flower Bouquet
KSh 5,600$43.41€42.11£35This classy and sassy chocolate flower bouquet comes red roses with ferrero rocher chocolates to help express love more to her. For assurance and growth of your love. Appreciate her with elegance.
Customized Hat Shape Box
KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63Our signature customized Hat shaped boxes are best for birthdays, baby showers, anniversary, valentines and more.
Super Love Box
KSh 10,400$80.62€78.2£65This gift contains a hat box of red roses, bottle of red wine, and a box of Ferrero Rocher 24pcs pack chocolates.
Lux Hat Red Roses
KSh 8,800$68.22€66.17£55150 Red roses in a hat box will definitely warm your heart.
Birthday Mug
KSh 1,200$9.3€9.02£7.5A stylish and durable birthday mug for gifting to your dear ones on their birthday, who know the best way to start the day is with a fresh cup of coffee or tea.
Make birthdays more special with personalized birthday coffee mugs delivered to the door on same day in Nairobi.
Ferrero Rocher 16pcs Chocolates
KSh 3,200$24.81€24.06£20A tempting combination of smooth chocolaty cream surrounding a whole hazelnut within a delicate, crisp wafer all developed in milk chocolate and finely chopped hazelnuts. Perfect for gifting, sharing or indulging on your own.
Ferrero Rocher Chocolates 24pcs
KSh 4,500$34.88€33.83£28.13Ferrero Rocher 24 pieces Chocolates, 300 grams
A tempting combination of smooth chocolaty cream surrounding a whole hazelnut within a delicate, crisp wafer all developed in milk chocolate and finely chopped hazelnuts. Perfect for gifting, sharing or indulging on your own. 24 pcs Ferrero Rocher Box
Ferrero Rocher Chocolates 30pcs
Original price was: KSh 6,700$51.94€50.38£41.88.KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38Current price is: KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38.Ferrero Rocher 30 pieces Chocolates, 375 grams
A tempting combination of smooth chocolaty cream surrounding a whole hazelnut within a delicate, crisp wafer all developed in milk chocolate and finely chopped hazelnuts. Perfect for gifting, sharing or indulging on your own.
Lovely Hamper
KSh 10,300$79.84€77.44£64.38Lovely Hamper comprises of a Hat Box with red roses, a bottle of wine and ferrero rocher chocolates.
Happy Birthday Coffee Mug- Best Gift for Birthday for Kids, Friends, Brother, Sister, Family, Spouse
KSh 1,200$9.3€9.02£7.5A stylish and durable Happy Birthday mug for gifting to your near and dear ones who know the best way to start the day is with a fresh cup of coffee or tea.
Happy Birthday Mug
KSh 1,200$9.3€9.02£7.5A stylish and durable Happy Birthday mug for gifting to your near and dear ones who know the best way to start the day is with a fresh cup of coffee or tea.
Epic Gift Combo
KSh 7,700$59.69€57.89£48.13Gift and flowers Combo with Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolates.
This gift consists of Flowers, Chocolates and a Teddy Bear.
Fifty – Fifty Love
KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38A Hundred Red and White Rose. Here’s is a blissful combination of pure White Roses and romantic Red Roses full of love in tons!
Red Rose Bunch
KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13Roses are the best conveyor of emotions and are one of the flowers that would fit best to send your message of love. Grab this beautiful arranged bouquet and send it to that special person in your heart.
Cute Gift Combo
KSh 9,800$75.97€73.68£61.25This cheerful Gift Combo comes with lovely Red Roses clubbed with a cute Teddy Bear, 16 Pieces of Ferro Rocher Chocolate Box and a delectable Chocolate Cake.
Birthday Chocolates Gift Hamper
KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38If nothing else works, try Chocolates but make sure they are Cadbury Dairy Milk.
This gift consists of a Beautiful Birthday Card, Chocolate Combo, Ferrero Rocher and a special Gift Basket.
Roses in Red
KSh 2,900$22.48€21.8£18.13If you are looking to show your romantic feelings to a special someone in your life you then there is only one way to do it- with this gorgeous Red Romance Rose Bouquet! It has been said that love is like a red rose so why not shower them with lots of it.
Send them a bouquet of ruby red roses that are beautifully arranged into a bouquet and finished off with beautiful paper wrapping. A stunning gift to send!
Blackforest Cake 1kg
KSh 3,200$24.81€24.06£20- Shape : Round
- Flavours : Black Forest