Office Flowers in Nairobi Kenya – Office & Reception Flowers Delivery

Welcome your visitors delightfully with a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers at your office reception, restaurant or hotel. Shop from our unique variety of office flower arrangements and we will deliver right to your office.

Get office flowers delivered after every 7 or 14 days and we’ll send you an invoice at end of the month.

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Red Roses in Vase

KSh 5,200$40.31€39.1£32.5

Vibrant Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

White Roses Vase Bouquet

Original price was: KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13.Current price is: KSh 5,000$38.76€37.59£31.25.

Lilies Roses Vase Arrangement

KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75

Perfect Lily Flower Vase

KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75

Red Roses Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,200$40.31€39.1£32.5

Lilies & Roses Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

Blissful Vase Arrangement

KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13

Sunshine Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75

Appealing Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

Yellow Roses Vase Bouquet

Original price was: KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13.Current price is: KSh 5,000$38.76€37.59£31.25.

Vase Bouquet & Lindt Chocos

KSh 7,600$58.91€57.14£47.5

Majestic Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

Beautiful Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

Vase Bouquet & Ferrero Combo

KSh 9,300$72.09€69.92£58.13

Vase Bouquet with Choco & Mug

KSh 10,000$77.52€75.19£62.5

Alluring Vase Arrangement

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

Red Roses Vase Combo

KSh 8,800$68.22€66.17£55

White Roses & Lilies in Vase

KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13

Vase Bouquet with Choco & Wine

KSh 10,600$82.17€79.7£66.25

Lovely Vase Bouquet & Lindt Chocos

KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63

Lovely Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13

Sweet Birthday Celebration

KSh 6,000$46.51€45.11£37.5

Mixed Roses Bouquet

Original price was: KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38.Current price is: KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75.