Flower Vase Arrangement Kenya – Flowers in a Vase Delivered

Order fresh flower arrangements in a vase online for delivery in Nairobi and across Kenya. Beautiful flowers deserve an equally beautiful display. Choose one of our gorgeous bouquet from our flowers in the vase selection, hand-crafted by expert florist, and send it to someone you love straight to their home or office at the doorstep. Same day flower delivery available.

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Red Roses in Vase

KSh 5,200$40.31€39.1£32.5

This is a spectacular floral arrangement that will add elegance and grace to any room it’s placed in. A glass vase holds beautiful red roses accentuated with baby’s breath fillers.

Send this incredible rose vase arrangement to a loved one today! To comfort them and assure them they are in your thoughts.

Vibrant Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

A classic flower arrangement containing lilies, roses, mums, gabera and gypsum ideal for any occasion.

Send this beautiful bouquet to your loved ones to show love in a special way.

White Roses Vase Bouquet

Original price was: KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13.Current price is: KSh 5,000$38.76€37.59£31.25.

This is a spectacular floral arrangement that will add elegance and grace to any room it’s placed in. A glass vase holds beautiful white roses accentuated with gyspo.

Send this incredible rose vase arrangement to a loved one today! To comfort them and assure them they are in your thoughts.

Lilies Roses Vase Arrangement

KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75

Order this gorgeous vase arrangement that contains lilies & white roses and it send to someone you love.

Send this beautiful vase arrangement to a loved one to brighten their day.

Perfect for birthdays, anniversary, mothers day, lovely surprise, get well, apology, appreciation and more.

Perfect Lily Flower Vase

KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75

This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh lilies and white roses beautifully arranged in a vase.

A classic arrangement for occasions such as get well soon, sympathy or any other occasion.

Remind someone of your love for them by sending this beautiful bouquet.

Red Roses Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,200$40.31€39.1£32.5

This is a spectacular floral arrangement that will add elegance and grace to any room it’s placed in. A glass vase holds beautiful red roses accentuated with baby’s breath fillers.

Send this incredible rose vase arrangement to a loved one today! To comfort them and assure them they are in your thoughts.

Lilies & Roses Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

A classic arrangement for any occasion.

Remind someone of your love for them by sending this beautiful bouquet.

Blissful Vase Arrangement

KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13

Order this blissful vase arrangement that contains lilies & white chrysanthemums and yellow roses and it send to someone you love.

Send this beautiful vase arrangement and brighten someones day.

Perfect for birthdays, anniversary, mothers day, lovely surprise, get well, apology, appreciation and more.

Sunshine Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75

Order this gorgeous vase arrangement that contains lilies & chrysanthemums and it send to someone you love.

Send this appealing vase arrangement to a loved one to brighten their day.

Perfect for birthdays, anniversary, mothers day, lovely surprise, get well, apology, appreciation and more.

Appealing Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

An appealing vase floral arrangement that contains lilies, roses, chrysanthemums and other tropical flowers makes a beautiful gift to send to someone you love. This arrangement is also perfect for an office or reception.

Send this appealing vase arrangement to a loved one today! To assure them they are in your thoughts.

Yellow Roses Vase Bouquet

Original price was: KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13.Current price is: KSh 5,000$38.76€37.59£31.25.

This is a spectacular floral arrangement that will add elegance and grace to any room it’s placed in

The glass vase holds beautiful yellow roses accentuated with baby’s breath fillers.

Send this incredible rose vase arrangement to a loved one today! To assure them they are in your thoughts.

Vase Bouquet & Lindt Chocos

KSh 7,600$58.91€57.14£47.5

This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

This flower arrangement contains lilies, roses, mums and gypsum which is perfect for any occasion.

Send this beautiful bouquet to your loved ones to show love in a special way.

Majestic Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

An appealing vase floral arrangement that contains lilies/lillies, roses, chrysanthemums and other tropical flowers makes a beautiful gift to send to someone you love. This arrangement is also perfect for an office or reception.

Send this appealing vase arrangement to a loved one today! To assure them they are in your thoughts.

Beautiful Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

This beautiful vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

A classic flower arrangement containing lilies, roses, mums, and gypsum ideal for any occasion.

Send this beautiful bouquet to your loved one to show love in a special way.

Vase Bouquet & Ferrero Combo

KSh 9,300$72.09€69.92£58.13

This flower combo contains a vase flower bouquet with stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase accompanied by Ferrero Rocher T24 chocolates.

This flower arrangement contains Lilies, Roses, Chrysanthemums which is perfect for any occasion.

Send this beautiful bouquet to your loved ones to show love in a special way.

Vase Bouquet with Choco & Mug

KSh 10,000$77.52€75.19£62.5

This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

This vase flower combo contains:

  • Vase bouquet of lilies, roses and chrysanthemums.
  • Ferrero rocher 24pcs chocolates.
  • I love you coffee mug.

Send this beautiful bouquet to your loved ones to show love in a special way.

Alluring Vase Arrangement

KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38

A beautiful vase flower arrangement that contains lilies, roses, chrysanthemums and carnations makes a beautiful gift to send to someone you love. This bouquet is also perfect for reception or office flowers.

It is ideal for birthdays, anniversary, romantic surprise and more

Send this appealing vase arrangement to a loved one today! To assure them they are in your thoughts.

Red Roses Vase Combo

KSh 8,800$68.22€66.17£55

This sweet flower combo contains a vase arrangement of red roses, lindt lindor chocolates and robertson sweet red wine which makes a beautiful gift to send to someone you love.

Send this appealing vase arrangement to a loved one today! To assure them they are in your thoughts.

White Roses & Lilies in Vase

KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13

A beautiful vase flower arrangement that contains lilies and white rose flowers makes a beautiful gift to send to someone you love. This arrangement is also perfect for an office or reception.

Send this vase arrangement to a loved one today! To assure them they are in your thoughts.

Vase Bouquet with Choco & Wine

KSh 10,600$82.17€79.7£66.25

This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

This flower arrangement contains:

  • Vase bouquet of lilies, roses and chrysanthemums.
  • Carlo rossi red wine (can be substituted due to availability).
  • Ferrero rocher 24pcs chocolates.

Send this beautiful bouquet to your loved ones to show love in a special way.

Lovely Vase Bouquet & Lindt Chocos

KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63

This lovely vase flower bouquet contains fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

A gorgeous flower arrangement containing mums, roses and carnations ideal for any occasion such as birthday, anniversary, love, apology, mothers day, appreciation and quick recovery.

Send this beautiful vase bouquet to your loved one to show love in a special way.

Lovely Vase Bouquet

KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13

This lovely vase flower bouquet contains fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.

A gorgeous flower arrangement containing mums, roses and carnations ideal for any occasion such as birthday, anniversary, love, apology, mothers day, appreciation and quick recovery.

Send this beautiful vase bouquet to your loved one to show love in a special way.

Sweet Birthday Celebration

KSh 6,000$46.51€45.11£37.5

This special flower vase arrangement consists of beautiful roses, carnations, daisies in a vase and a birthday balloon.

Mixed Roses Bouquet

Original price was: KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38.Current price is: KSh 5,400$41.86€40.6£33.75.

Our rainbow of long stem roses is the ultimate surprise for letting someone know how you feel. 40 blooms in a of stunning array of colors are artistically arranged by our expert florists inside an elegant glass vase and personally hand-delivered to help you beautifully express what’s in your heart.

40 Mixed Rose bouquet in vase.

Perfect for Anniversary, Birthdays, Mothers Day, Valentine’s Day or any other special occasion.

The luxurious appeal of this arrangement makes it a winner every time!