Flirty Red Bouquet
KSh 3,000$23.26€22.56£18.75Red roses are always in trend! With the elegant wrapping,this bright bouquet will pass your favorite ardor of your feelings!
Half & Half Ferrero Box
Original price was: KSh 10,800$83.72€81.2£67.5.KSh 10,300$79.84€77.44£64.38Current price is: KSh 10,300$79.84€77.44£64.38.Premium Ferrero with Roses arrangement in a heart shaped box.
Large heart shaped boxed, arranged with brown sweet Ferrero Rocher chocolates to make the combo all sugary for a lady who has a sweet tooth and a sweet heart.
love her and show it always.
Arranged in a large heart box
Pinky Plan
Original price was: KSh 6,800$52.71€51.13£42.5.KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38Current price is: KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38.Candy Pink roses perfect bouquet for almost all occasion.
Gift this beauty to the love of your life.
Make it an history kind of love with this large round hat box bouquet.
Choco Flower Bouquet & White Wine
KSh 7,100$55.04€53.38£44.38This classy and sassy flower bouquet with ferrero rocher chocolates and accompanied by robertson white wine, is here to help express love more to her. For assurance and growth of your love. Appreciate her with elegance.