Wedding Flowers in Kenya – Stunning Wedding Bouquets Delivered
Flowers have the power to transform the look and feel of your wedding day. We have stunning flowers guaranteed to make your big day special. Our dedicated team of expert wedding florists will help you bring your vision to life and will make sure to add those important personal touches for the bride and groom, bridesmaids and ushers, special guests and venue decorations.
Bridal Bouquet
KSh 2,000$15.5€15.04£12.5Bridal bouquet “Romantic Chic” composed of white roses is one of our great classics, which is always a great success among brides! Combining refinement and elegance, it goes with all the forms and styles of wedding dresses.
Enjoy the freshness and simplicity of this beautiful wedding flowers.
Pink Roses Wedding Bridal Bouquet
KSh 2,000$15.5€15.04£12.5Elegant and sophisticated roses bouquet, the classic look for the bride who makes a statement.
Our floral arrangements are the perfect way to save on your wedding flowers and get exceptional quality and beauty.
Red & White Roses Bridal Bouquet
KSh 2,000$15.5€15.04£12.5A wedding bridal bouquet with red and white rose flowers and baby’s breath fillers.
Its a gorgeous wedding bouquet with a symbol of love and joy.
Red Roses Bridal Bouquet
KSh 2,000$15.5€15.04£12.5A bridal bouquet with red rose flowers and baby’s breath
Its a feminine wedding bouquet of flowers with a symbol of purity and joy.
Delightful Heart Box Hamper
KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63A sweet arrangement of red roses accompanied by assorted chocolates & robertson red wine arranged in a heart shaped box.
It makes a delightful gift for anniversary, love & romance, birthday, valentine’s day, mother’s day, apology, thank you or any other occasion.
Rose Lilly Hat Box
KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38Order this gorgeous flower arrangement of red roses with lilies and have it delivered to the recepient’s doorstep.
This hat box bouquet is perfect for occasions such as; birthday, anniversary, romance, am sorry, thank you, surprise or let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Elegant Gift Hamper
KSh 9,300$72.09€69.92£58.13An elegant gift hamper to surprise someone you love. Whether its a birthday, anniversary gift, romantic surprise or any other occasion, this gift hamper will melt someone’s heart.
This gift hamper consist of carnations, ferrero 16pcs chocos, gold coin chocos, Robertson sweet red wine, wine glass.
Same day delivery available.
Mixed Roses Hatbox Combo
KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63Buy this beautiful hat box flower arrangement of mixed roses accompanied by ferrero rocher chocolates.
This flower combo is perfect for occasions such as birthdays, anniversary, love & romance, mother’s day, apology, thank you, surprise – to let them know you’re thinking about them!
Roses Berries in Hat Box
KSh 5,800$44.96€43.61£36.25Order this gorgeous flower arrangement of mixed roses and berries in a hat box and have it delivered to the recepient’s doorstep.
This hat box bouquet is perfect for occasions such as; birthday, wedding anniversary, love & romance, am sorry, thank you, surprise to let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Mixed Roses Box of Happiness
KSh 7,500$58.14€56.39£46.88Order this gorgeous flower arrangement of mixed roses, berries with ferrero 16pcs chocolates and have it delivered to the recepient’s doorstep.
This hat box bouquet is perfect for many occasions like; birthday, anniversary, love & romance, am sorry, thank you, surprise or let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Glam Flower Combo
KSh 9,300$72.09€69.92£58.13Order this beautiful flower arrangement of mixed roses accompanied by Ferrero rocher T16 chocolates and Robertson sweet red wine and have it delivered to the recipient’s doorstep.
This hat box bouquet is perfect for occasions like: birthday, anniversary, love & romance, am sorry, thank you, surprise to let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Sweet Roses & Ferrero Candy
KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63This heart box arrangement features a lovely assortment of an ideal gift for your loved ones on all kinds of special occasions.
It consists of; Ferrero chocolates and roses in a heart box.
This heart box flower bouquet is perfect for Anniversary, Birthdays, Mothers Day, Valentine’s Day or any other special occasion.
Lovely Heart Box Bouquet
KSh 9,600$74.42€72.18£60This heart box arrangement features a lovely assortment of an ideal gift for your loved ones on all kinds of special occasions.
It consists of; Ferrero chocolates and roses in a heart box.
This heart box flower bouquet is perfect for Anniversary, Birthdays, Mothers Day, Valentine’s Day or any other special occasion.
Vibrant Vase Bouquet
KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.
A classic flower arrangement containing lilies, roses, mums, gabera and gypsum ideal for any occasion.
Send this beautiful bouquet to your loved ones to show love in a special way.
White Roses Vase Bouquet
Original price was: KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13.KSh 5,000$38.76€37.59£31.25Current price is: KSh 5,000$38.76€37.59£31.25.This is a spectacular floral arrangement that will add elegance and grace to any room it’s placed in. A glass vase holds beautiful white roses accentuated with gyspo.
Send this incredible rose vase arrangement to a loved one today! To comfort them and assure them they are in your thoughts.
Sweet Hatbox Combo
KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63Order this beautiful flower arrangement of mixed roses accompanied by Ferrero rocher T16 chocolates and have it delivered to the recipient’s doorstep.
This hat box bouquet is perfect for occasions like: birthday, anniversary, love & romance, am sorry, thank you, surprise to let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Rose Heart Box Bouquet
KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38This heart box flower arrangement with red and white roses is an ideal gift for your loved ones on all kinds of special occasions.
This heart box flower bouquet is perfect for Anniversary flowers, Birthday flowers, Mother’s Day flowers, Valentine flowers or any other special occasion.
Red Roses Vase Bouquet
KSh 5,200$40.31€39.1£32.5This is a spectacular floral arrangement that will add elegance and grace to any room it’s placed in. A glass vase holds beautiful red roses accentuated with baby’s breath fillers.
Send this incredible rose vase arrangement to a loved one today! To comfort them and assure them they are in your thoughts.
Red Roses Hat Box Bouquet
KSh 6,300$48.84€47.37£39.38Order this gorgeous flower arrangement of red roses in a hat box and have it delivered to the recepient’s doorstep.
This hat box bouquet is perfect for occasions such as; birthday, wedding anniversary, love & romance, am sorry, thank you, surprise to let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Red Elegance Hat Box Bouquet
KSh 5,800$44.96€43.61£36.25Order this gorgeous flower arrangement of red roses in a hat box and have it delivered to the receiver’s doorstep.
This hat box bouquet is perfect for occasions such as; birthday, anniversary, love & romance, am sorry, thank you, valentine day or to just let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Joyful Flower Bouquet
KSh 2,900$22.48€21.8£18.13If you want to surprise someone you love, mom, wife, or friend with a beautiful gift then this beautiful flower arrangement of red and white roses with baby’s breath fillers will do it.
This bouquet is perfect occasions like: birthday, anniversary, love & romance, valentine’s day, mother’s day, apology, thank you or any other occasion.
It contain 40 roses 🌹
Small Rose Bouquet
KSh 3,400$26.36€25.56£21.25A small hand-tied roses bouquet to send to your special someone or one you love.
Roses can be the perfect gift for girlfriend, wife or someone whom you truly love.
It is wrapped to fit the occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, valentine’s day or just because, it will definitely bring a smile to the recipient.
Pink Delight Bouquet
KSh 2,800$21.71€21.05£17.5Brighten someone’s day with this beautiful arrangement of roses with babys breath fillers.
This bouquet is ideal for any occasion like birthday, wedding anniversary, love & romance, valentines day, mother’s day, apology, thank you, surprise to let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Lilies & Roses Vase Bouquet
KSh 5,500$42.64€41.35£34.38This vase flower bouquet contains stems of fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a vase.
A classic arrangement for any occasion.
Remind someone of your love for them by sending this beautiful bouquet.