Friendship and love, no better combination, expressed openly in this beautifully colorful bouquet. Showing every ounce of love and appreciation for any one beloved individual in your life, there are assorted flowers included to show all the emotions that embody the feelings that intertwine with the many ins and outs, ups and downs, of any relationship.
Say, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a relationship that has meant a great deal and always will.
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C’est L’amour Rose Bouquet
KSh 5,800$44.96€43.61£36.25
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Hanova Red Combo
KSh 8,300$64.34€62.41£51.88 Original price was: KSh 8,300$64.34€62.41£51.88.KSh 7,700$59.69€57.89£48.13Current price is: KSh 7,700$59.69€57.89£48.13.
Her Majesty Box
KSh 8,300$64.34€62.41£51.88 Original price was: KSh 8,300$64.34€62.41£51.88.KSh 6,800$52.71€51.13£42.5Current price is: KSh 6,800$52.71€51.13£42.5.
Friendship and love, no better combination, expressed openly in this beautifully colorful bouquet. Showing every ounce of love and appreciation for any one beloved individual in your life, there are assorted flowers included to show all the emotions that embody the feelings that intertwine with the many ins and outs, ups and downs, of any relationship.
Say, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a relationship that has meant a great deal and always will.
In stock Message on card. Edit
Categories: Anniversary, Arrangements, Birthday, Flowers, For Her, Graduation, Hat Boxes, I Am Sorry Flowers, Love & Romance, Mother's Day, Occasions, Valentine's Day