Spoil a loved one with a flower gift that will brighten their home or office. Beautiful asiflorum lilies in white,red roses,white gypso fillers among ruscus with coloured tissue paper in a stylish black occasion box. Have a loved one or friend feel extra special when they receive this gorgeous flower gift!
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Citrust Splash
KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13 Original price was: KSh 5,300$41.09€39.85£33.13.KSh 4,400$34.11€33.08£27.5Current price is: KSh 4,400$34.11€33.08£27.5.
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Bunch of 50 Mixed Roses
KSh 4,100$31.78€30.83£25.63
Rose Lilly
KSh 6,000$46.51€45.11£37.5
Spoil a loved one with a flower gift that will brighten their home or office. Beautiful asiflorum lilies in white,red roses,white gypso fillers among ruscus with coloured tissue paper in a stylish black occasion box. Have a loved one or friend feel extra special when they receive this gorgeous flower gift!
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