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Chocolate Bounty & Roses
KSh 7,300$56.59€54.89£45.63
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Red Carnations and white Rose Bouquet
KSh 3,200$24.81€24.06£20
Seductive Red Roses Bouquet
KSh 3,200$24.81€24.06£20
Express your love with this seductive bouquet of scarlet coloured roses wrapped with a black floral wrap.
This colour combination is not only seductive, but perfect for any romantic occasion. The 20 red roses are complimented by eryngium fillers of all sizes. The sweet and delicate nature of the roses compliments with the sharp look of the eryngium, depicting the nature of love.
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Categories: Birthday, Congratulations, Flowers, For Her, Graduation, Hand-Tied Flowers, New Born Baby, Occasions, Thank You, Valentine's Day