Spoil someone special in your life with these gorgeous mixed roses in pink box. They will surely appreciate such a thoughtful and attractive gift from you. This blushing pink box contains cerise roses , orange roses , yellow roses , and are all complemented perfectly with stunning latifoliate flower. There is nothing more beautiful than a radiant rose arrangement that will make her heart smile. Place your order now!
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Round Funeral Wreath
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Stunning Box
KSh 4,500$34.88€33.33£27.61
Spoil someone special in your life with these gorgeous mixed roses in pink box. They will surely appreciate such a thoughtful and attractive gift from you. This blushing pink box contains cerise roses , orange roses , yellow roses , and are all complemented perfectly with stunning latifoliate flower. There is nothing more beautiful than a radiant rose arrangement that will make her heart smile. Place your order now!
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