veuve clicquot rose is a champagne that belongs to the Veuve Clicquot family. veuve clicquot rose is classified as a champagne and belongs to the rose-champagne sub category. This champagne comes in 750 ml, celebrate in style and class.
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Cellar Cask Red Wine 750ml
KSh 2,200$17.05€16.54£13.75
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Belaire Luxe 750ml
KSh 8,300$64.34€62.41£51.88
Veuve Clicqout
KSh 17,600$136.43€132.33£110
veuve clicquot rose is a champagne that belongs to the Veuve Clicquot family. veuve clicquot rose is classified as a champagne and belongs to the rose-champagne sub category. This champagne comes in 750 ml,celebrate in style and class.
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